Sunday, February 5, 2017

MT 5:38-48
Matthew in the Margins…7th S. after Epiphany…Revised 2017  

To start where our passage ends, the key to understanding this passage more fully may lie in Jesus’ last words here: “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect”. The word ‘perfect’ here is from the very same word JN uses in his Gospel to tell us Jesus’ last words from the cross. My preferred translation of this latter is, “I’ve done it!” Despite the setting, Jesus is triumphant. “I’ve done what I set out to do!”1 He has carried the will of God through to its completion!

What Jesus asks of us in these verses isn’t likely to lead directly to our crucifixion, but will certainly place us at a disadvantage in the world’s eyes. His quoting the O.T. at its best 2 shows how connected He remains in His humanity to what God has always wanted of His people. The image of God we’re made in doesn’t become restored till we are as obedient to God’s plan, as committed to seeing it through, come what may, as Jesus is Himself, even when  the chips are totally down.

Human nature un-restored can’t cope with what God asks of Jesus & now asks of us here. It will sound, frankly, ridiculous to human ears, hearts, & minds so not-tuned-in to God they’ve become laws unto themselves / ourselves. Only when we let Jesus restore us to that state of grace in which God has always meant us to live, can we fulfil what Jesus asks of us here. Only then can we be whom He needs us & calls us to be in His image now. 

We can debate theologies & theories of behaviour till we’re blue (or red!) in the face. But we’re not talking theory here, any more than Jesus is. He brings it all home, down to the personal level, yours & mine here. Take not resisting the person who is evil. That’s among the hardest things Jesus ever tells us, isn’t it? What might it mean for us in our situation? How far dare we go for God? 

1 JN 19:30   2 LEV 19:18

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