MATTHEW 10 : 40-42
Matthew in the Margins…4th S. after Pentecost…Revised 2017
One of the shortest of all set Gospel passages, but let’s not dismiss it too quickly. When Jesus talks about welcoming, accepting, receiving, depending on the version we use, they’re all positive actions. Jesus is a very positive human being! ‘MT’ uses two different words to report Jesus. The first means welcoming in the senses of taking into one’s arms, receiving someone or something as a gift, taking them into one’s home; that kind of thing. The other speaks more of taking responsibility for someone or something. (In v. 38 it’s used of taking up the cross!) Put them together & what have we got? Much more than old ‘bibbiti, bobbiti, boo’!
Jesus firstly seems to mean receiving Him & thus embracing discipleship gladly & joyfully as a gift from God’s own Self. Baptism comes in somewhere here. Signifying in an outward & visible way the principle of welcoming by God & each other within His fellowship. As we discern, exercise, &, that word again, welcome, God-given gifts among each other. Some of these gifts mentioned are prophecy, right-living, living as one of God’s ‘little ones’. All of which derive from God’s welcoming us as beloved children. Go back to the myths of GN1 & we see God welcoming creation into being. Theologically, welcoming starts ‘in the beginning’!
Not to welcome Jesus, & anyone He calls, is to reject Him as He tells us [LK 10:16]. Is there anywhere to hide between receiving & rejecting? Do we take this seriously - whatever it may mean for us - within our church structures? Out in the margins, too; where many don’t feel accepted, & certainly not welcomed? When Jesus talks about ‘little ones’ He always means those who are little in other people’s eyes, not just small children.
Are there three God-centric ripples here? Welcoming God is to welcome Jesus; welcoming Jesus is to welcome God; welcoming a Jesus follower is to welcome Jesus, is to welcome God? A kind of ‘trinity’. Which includes Jesus' humanity within it; yours & mine, too. Does the welcoming life of our congregation & its sub-groupings make us conscious we’re part of, & draw God-energy from, that triple rippling of life-giving water? Is that one way of looking at the ‘reward’ Jesus mentions? If those ripples aren’t there, has our pond become stagnant?
What is the 'cup of cold water' those around us need? How often does Ms. X or Mr. Y tell us, when we try to care, "No, I don't need any help; I'm fine, thanks!" Can we learn, & help others learn, that it’s OK to welcome help? Turning down help graciously & welcomingly offered, diminishes both the would-be receiver, & the one offering that 'cup of cold water' - whatever form that may take. Diminishing God’s little ones isn’t good for Gospel!
PS. It so happens I’m to baptise both a mother & her new-born daughter today. I find much to ponder as I preach - briefly! - on this passage.