Sunday, June 18, 2017

MT 10: 24-39
Matthew in the Margins…3rd S. after Pentecost…Revised 2017  

This is a ‘busy’ passage. Much to be explored. But do see para. 3 below.

For starters, do you remember the old “Sticks & stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me?” From school & other play-grounds? can we go past the name calling, the ‘Beelzebul’ bit. Pharisees have just called Jesus this in 9:34. Can we doubt Jesus being hurt by association with the ‘dung god’ of the Philistines? Now He warns His followers they’ll be put down like that too. There’s a lot of name calling going on in today’s world. I know some folk just seem to ‘ask for it’; but…! At times we’ll be put down, too; may be tempted to join in putting someone down - even ourself! But putting down is not a productive practice. It’s all about fear. Fear of others; fear for, or within, oneself. There are better ways for those of us who follow Jesus to respond to name-callers than putting-down, entering the fear arena, tempting or provoked though that may be! Even when name calling turns to sticks & stones!

Referring to vv.26-7, NJV here comments that Jesus turns from public instruction that doesn't work, to focussing on instructing His disciples. Are we at a stage where that might be productive for us, too? One possibility is the proven track record of ‘Home Groups’ within congregations for ‘Body-building’. Having been involved in them & belonged in them for many years, I wouldn’t be without one! (It strikes me vv. 26-33 would be great material for a Home Group to explore & take further than merely preaching it?)

Hell, Gehenna, (v. 28) needs unpacking. Is it a place of God’s creating, or of human invention; our own making? To consign others into! Historically it’s a dump for burning garbage. Jesus’ own body would probably have ended up just up the road in Gehenna if Joseph hadn’t begged it from Pilate & Nicodemus hadn’t helped bury it. Jesus is always homing in on & using imagery of His day. Warning is implicit in this place & its use. Beware of ending up there! Beware even more, of creating it for anyone else! Even for ourselves!

With regard to the ‘sword’ Jesus’ wields, could that ever be anything other than the cutting edge of God’s love for us? I’ve heard pretty unattractive ‘Jesuses’ preached. We don’t need more. Any more than we need the ‘nice at any price’ ones, either!

“Taking up the cross’ came to life(!) for me when Kosuke Koyama published his ‘No Handle on the Cross’ 1 in which he contrasts a lunch box, or brief case, with a cross. Pointing out there’s no handle on a cross; no convenient way of carrying one. I take that to mean there’s no convenient way of being a disciple either!

SCM, 1976 

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