Monday, July 10, 2017

MT 13: 1-9 (10-17) 18-23
Matthew in the Margins…6th S. After Pentecost…Revised 2017

If we're to be effective preachers, story-telling needs to be part of our whole ‘armour of God’! That Jesus is a great Story-teller, Teacher, & Preacher begins with His not missing a thing that's going on round him. In homes, on the land, in the market place, in the Temple precincts; anywhere & everywhere. Especially out in life’s margins. It’s all grist to the mill of telling stories, making them our own in the process, & helping people ‘get it’!

In a land largely dependent upon small-holder fishing & agriculture, Jesus knows how things work or don’t. Survival or starvation. The Holy Family no doubt goes hungry at times & like others, lives on survival fare; except for the rare celebration, e.g. the wedding at Cana. Experience itself becomes part of Jesus’ whole ‘armour’ of story-telling.

The point of the sower parable is so obvious it doesn’t need un-packing so much as apply-ing. In a parish we were once celebrating the gift of a delightful stained glass ‘Byzantine’ style window of the Sower. After the congregation has gone to morning tea, I happen to wander back into the church for something & find two 10 year old boys closely examining the new window. As I draw near, I overhear one say to the other, "Hasn't that sower got a sad face!" Quick as a flash, the other responds, "So would you, if you'd just lost as much crop as he has!" Out of the mouths of......! I feel the Real Sower has a very smiley face as He listens to this exchange. Well pleased with donor, artist, & these two kids! By the way, the donor of the window was an old lady who wanted to "sit near it & enjoy it before I die". Therein lies yet another story!

The incident offers insight into how our efforts in sowing or not sowing, tending or not tend -ing, harvesting or not harvesting may cause the Real Sower to feel. Living for many years now in a state with vast hectares of wheat reminds us how good seasons provide for farming families & the rest of us, & keep local community alive. Also, how destructive failing seasons - like the current one, here, for many - are, of community & individuals. Life in general & the effort we put in or don’t, offer similar lessons for the observant. What kinds of seasons are we experiencing in our churches as we sow & tend ready for God to harvest? At the moment this harvest isn’t encouraging. Is it?

That disciples know secrets of God's Rule not available to others isn’t hard to grasp. The very idea of God deliberately making things hard for anyone to follow is! Maybe Jesus is posing a riddle here? Let’s imagine a knowing smile on Jesus' face when He does pose a riddle & wait for us to grasp it. Harvest it. Even as we seem to struggle along the path, on stoney ground, & among thorns, how about we make God's day by persisting towards being a good & fruitful crop!

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